08 May 2008

More aftershocks...

Yeah, these are little things but they continue to speak to me that God is still moving on this one thread...
  1. I walk out of the bank yesterday to see a lone parked car on the long Newberg street. Where is the license plate from? North Carolina of course. (Kris, I know you’ll appreciate that one with your Newberg plate story)
  2. Also from the bank (hmmm...I wonder if somehow that’s germane?) They today decided that the website requires this new block of security questions. One of which is: what’s your father’s mother’s name? That’s right, her name is/was Charlotte

1 comment:

Kristin said...

WOWOWOWOW!!! I am so intrigued - what happens next? Tell me! Oh...right...be still and know that He is God...got it....
But I can't wait to hear what happens next!
Here's a little oddity:
about three days ago, I was driving through one of the local fancy-shmancy neighborhoods, and on the front lawn of one of the houses (or shall I say, estates), was a sign from the local high school with the graduate's name on it. Guess what the name was? Yep...Charlotte. I've seen about a hundred of these graduate signs around, but that one caught my eye, because that's not a name you see often in this day and age. Interesting, I thought. Didn't make the connection til I read this post.
Could be coincidence, yes... but see, there's one problem: I don't believe in coincidences.
Ball in play!