07 February 2006

What have I missed?

About a week and a half ago I attended something called “Bootcamp Advanced” It was a follow up to the Wild At Heart themed Bootcamp NW and basically covered the Waking the Dead material.

It seemed to me like that single day was a splash of cold water in my face – bracing, invigorating, kinda shocking. It was like waking up after several months of being asleep at the wheel. I had such a tremendous experience at the Bootcamp in April and God loomed large in the following months. But, perhaps inevitably, life’s daily grind caught up and somewhere I fell back into the rut.

But after Saturday it was like POW! That vividness, that awareness of the things around me, and the knowledge of God’s presence were suddenly there again. The next day I found myself singing in one of the most powerful worship services I’ve ever been in, two days later I’m with my BoB and the Spirit is speaking about big things, then Sunday I wake up knowing that I need to be prepared for that day. I wind up reading a chapter on ‘counsel’ and that morning wind up talking to a single mom who really, really needed to hear some good news.

It’s great to fell God’s hand at your back, but the experience on Sunday really got me thinking. In the last several months, how many divine appointments like that did I miss because I simply wasn’t listening to that still, small voice? How many people around me really needed something, something I was able to give, and didn’t get it?

I’m not feeling condemned or anything like that, I’m just realizing, all over again, something I’ve said to lots of men as a may to get them to take their walk seriously – when we fail to be the men and women God calls us to be, real people suffer. If we really are the hands and feet of Jesus on earth then we need to be sober, vigilant, watchful, or people die – sometimes physically, sometimes eternally.

Father – please help me stay alert and not wander from the shadow of your wings.

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