16 March 2008

Seven Pillars of Society

I just heard this from Kris Voltron.
There are seven pillars of society:

  1. Justice
    • The law is a facilitator of justice.
    • The law only has purpose in bringing about and sustaining justice.
    • When a society looses its grip on justice, the law begins to serve itself and taking on a life of its own.
      • This creates a culture where peace officers become law enforcement officers and justice courts become magistrates of the law.
      • Judges and juries are now charged with determining if someone broke the law, rather than if someone performed an injustice.
  2. Peace
    • Peace is the foundation of government.
    • The purpose of all government is to facilitate peace.
    • When peace is removed from government, the government begins to serve itself.
      • The goal of its officials becomes staying in power rather than extending the borders of peace.
    • Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the presence of wholeness.
  3. Love
    • Love is the purpose of fatherhood.
    • Fathers are facilitators of love.
      • When fathers loose love, fathers become bosses and families become his subjects.
      • Caring and compassion are replaced with sexual perversion and abandonment.
      • Happiness is no longer the fruit of loving relationships, but instead becomes the purpose of them.
        • ‘I’m not happy’ becomes the purpose of my actions.
  4. Honor
    • Honor is the element in society that allows people to be empowered rather than controlled.
    • Honor is the responsibility of sons. They exemplify respect that results in order.
    • When honor is served instead of serving, it causes leaders to demand honor even when it is incongruent with their character.
      • This results in a culture of control that is manifest through fear.
  5. Truth
    • Truth is more than honesty. It is the embodiment of reality.
    • The fruit of truth is life and the word of god is the facilitator of truth.
    • Teachers are the stewards of truth.
    • When truth is absent from a culture, the bible begins to served instead of serving.
      • This consequently leads to people learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth.
        • Resulting in rules of religion being exchanged for the realities of relationship.
  6. Righteousness
    • Righteousness is more than an accumulation of good character choices.
    • Righteousness is the visible expression of the habitation of an invisible yet holy god.
    • Righteousness is the personification of the very nature of God being manifest in His creatures resulting in his likeness emanating through his people.
    • When divinity is absent from a culture, Godliness is reduced to goodness which is attained through discipline instead of a pure heart.
  7. Wisdom
    • Wisdom is the ability to rightly apply knowledge in a way that builds for the future that which is envisioned by the creator so that the divine ecosystem of heaven yields life.
    • Rulers are the stewards of wisdom.
      • They are to lead in a way that creates an environment that draws out and facilitator the destiny of people both individually and corporately.
    • When the definition of wisdom is reduced to the gathering and recalling of information it results in futility.

Holy Cow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Truly outstanding!